Game Aggregate

Game Aggregate

The game aggregate is responsible for the management of individual game entities within the system.

flowchart LR l-GameCreated[GameCreated]:::producer-->Game_Aggregate[Game Aggregate]:::event classDef event stroke:#119317,stroke-width: 4px; classDef producer stroke:#75d7b6,stroke-width: 2px; classDef consumer stroke:#818cf8,stroke-width: 2px; Game_Aggregate[Game Aggregate]:::event-->r-GameCreated[GameCreated]:::consumer click l-GameCreated href "/events/GameCreated" "Go to GameCreated" _self click r-GameCreated href "/events/GameCreated" "Go to GameCreated" _self click Game_Aggregate href "/services/Game Aggregate" "Go to Game Aggregate" _self
Edit this pageLast updated on 2023/9/25