Events (10)
All Events (10)
- GameCreatedv1.0.0Indicates a new game has been createdProducers (1)Subscribers (2)
- GroupSessionCanceledv1.0.0A group session has been canceled by its creatorProducers (1)Subscribers (3)
- GroupSessionCompletedv1.0.0A group session has finishedProducers (1)Subscribers (3)
- GroupSessionCreatedv1.0.0A signal that a user has created a new call for helpProducers (1)Subscribers (3)
- GroupSessionExpiredv1.0.0A group session has expired without meeting requirementsProducers (1)Subscribers (3)
- PlayerCommendedv1.0.0Indicates that one player has left a commendation for anotherProducers (1)Subscribers (3)
- PlayerJoinedSessionv1.0.0Indicates that a player has joined the sessionProducers (1)Subscribers (3)
- PlayerLeftSessionv1.0.0Indicates that a player has left the sessionProducers (1)Subscribers (3)
- UserCreatedv1.0.0Indicates a new application user has been createdProducers (1)Subscribers (1)
- UserIdentityLinkedv1.0.0Indicates that an application user has been linked with an external authentication identityProducers (1)Subscribers (1)