Indicates that a player has joined the session
This event occurs when any player joins an active group session. Note that this event will also occur when the originator of the session joins in-game.
flowchart LR
l-Group_Session_Aggregate[Group Session Aggregate]:::producer-->PlayerJoinedSession[PlayerJoinedSession]:::event
classDef event stroke:#8c912e,stroke-width: 4px;
classDef producer stroke:#75d7b6,stroke-width: 2px;
classDef consumer stroke:#818cf8,stroke-width: 2px;
PlayerJoinedSession[PlayerJoinedSession]:::event-->r-Group_Session_Aggregate[Group Session Aggregate]:::consumer
PlayerJoinedSession[PlayerJoinedSession]:::event-->r-Group_Session_Projector[Group Session Projector]:::consumer
PlayerJoinedSession[PlayerJoinedSession]:::event-->r-Group_Session_Process_Manager[Group Session Process Manager]:::consumer
click l-Group_Session_Aggregate href "/services/Group Session Aggregate" "Go to Group Session Aggregate" _self
click r-Group_Session_Aggregate href "/services/Group Session Aggregate" "Go to Group Session Aggregate" _self
click r-Group_Session_Projector href "/services/Group Session Projector" "Go to Group Session Projector" _self
click r-Group_Session_Process_Manager href "/services/Group Session Process Manager" "Go to Group Session Process Manager" _self
click PlayerJoinedSession href "/events/PlayerJoinedSession" "Go to PlayerJoinedSession" _self
stringGlobally unique identifier for the session
stringGlobally unique identifier for the game
stringJoining player's unique ID
stringRFC 3339 timestamp
Edit this pageLast updated on 2023/9/25